Jivraj Family Website



                                     March 27th  2005                   

To all members of the Jivraj (Bhagat) family.

     It has been my ardent desire to research the roots of the Jivraj family so that the individuals, many of whom use different surnames, could be identified and thus give us an access to meet and draw from the broad diversity and experiences within the Family. At the same time, give meaningful moral and other support, in true Islamic traditions, which our peers practiced.

                       Sadrudin Rahim Jivraj

E-mail  sadrujivraj@shaw.ca

Always be proud of your roots for in the end we are all one family


    Jivraj Family Tree

    Life of Jivraj

    Jivraj Family message board

    Audio Interview of Kassamali Esmail Jivraj

    Links to web pages of Interest

    Map of city of Babra

    Help find missing family members

Website created by Alnoor Haiderali Ramji Jivraj

E-mail  alnoor.ramji@jivraj.org

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